Books of Wonder, if you don't know, is also the company that publishes those miraculous facsimile editions of L. Frank Baum's Oz books. They've got lots of other Oz-related goodies, as well. (This time next month, I'll once again be hanging some of their limited edition, hand painted Oz ornaments on my Christmas tree.) If you can't make it to the signing, then absolutely check out the B.O.W. site.
See you in the Emerald City, I hope.
Have a terrific time! Btw, I'm a HUGE fan of L. Frank Baum's Oz stories. And I love the various Oz series that Marvel has put out the last couple years. Scottie Young's art is perfect for it.
ReplyDeleteI read through all fourteen of Baum's Oz books -- some of them several times -- with both my kids, Mike...and, one of these days, I'll read them all again. My favorite is the second book in the series, THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ.
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen the Marvel Oz books. Given my enthusiasm for the material, I should probably track 'em down.
Good luck, JM. Have a fun and giddy time! : ) Believe it or not, I've never read any of the OZ books. I have a friend who's a huge fan of them though and maybe I'll borrow some of the books from her. Right after I finish reading some book called "Imaginalis" I just started. I know, about time! Let us know how the signing goes!
ReplyDeleteThanks, A. Jaye. And you owe it to yourself to read the Oz books...but only AFTER you've read IMAGINALIS! :)
ReplyDeletewhups, it's actually spelled "Skottie" young. great writing and art in the Marvel Oz books.
ReplyDeleteBet they'll have them at Books of Wonder tomorrow, Mike. Maybe I'll pick one up!
ReplyDeleteYou didn't mention it so I will: There are 2 JMD comics out this week: Booster Gold and Chaos War: Thor! Something from DC and Marvel on the same day- is it the early '90s once more?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads-up, Jeff: I guess I've still got a few things to learn when it comes to self-promotion!
ReplyDeleteHave fun in Oz, JMD.
ReplyDeleteWe'll keep the light on for you in the Shire.
Thanks, David. I made it back across the Deadly Desert safe and sound. Oz was great!
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to make it over to the signing last night, but I had to work later than I'd intended and I was meeting up with some college buddies for dinner. But you were in my thoughts! :-)
ReplyDeleteSorry you couldn't have been there, Glenn. It's a great store and it was a great time.
ReplyDeleteAfraid I'll be tradewaiting THOR: CHAOS WAR. My local Hastings doesn't have the best selection, and they haven't carried CHAOS WAR or any of the tie-ins yet. :(
ReplyDeleteAmazing that they're not carrying a major Marvel crossover, David. Says something about the state of the industry.
ReplyDeleteHASTINGS might be a unique situation. It's a video/music/bookstore that's experimenting with the direct market. Basically, they're trying to supplement lost income from the CD music market by expanding into comics. My local store is one of a few chosen to kick off the pilot program.
ReplyDeleteThey're still working the kinks out. For instance, they don't tend to stock the comics until Friday--even though they already have the shipment. I'm not sure if the people responsible for ordering our comics know much about comics, to be honest, or even care!
But if all this pans out, it could be a very good sign for the future market. I've been saying comics need to go beyond the specialized market for some time now.
Oh, and I believe one of the New York HASTINGS was also chosen. They're very open to local authors doing book signings. If you're so inclined, you might check that out. Be a good way to expose people looking for a video rental to your work!
Interesting. I hadn't heard about that.
ReplyDelete4 star review for Chaos War Thor at comicbookresources:
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to find an official solicitation for #2 and having a difficult time of it. I'm hoping it's on track for next month.
Anything else in the pipeline from Marvel other than the previously mentioned Thor/Scrier special?
Thanks for the link, Jeff. CHAOS WAR: THOR #2 should be out next month, as planned. No glitches as far as I know.
ReplyDeleteAs for other Marvel work: I'm talking to an editor right now about a project that could be incredibly interesting, but it's in a very early stage of development; if it happens, you won't see for a while.
It was "J.M. DeMatteis" day today: reading "Imaginalis," watched' Brave & The Bold" (Blue Beetle vs GL Corp), and picked up Chaos War:Thor #1. You are everywhere, my friend!! : )
ReplyDeleteWhat?! You didn't pick up the new issue of BOOSTER GOLD?! :)
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed 'em all, A.Jaye!
I'm intrigued by this cryptic Marvel project.
ReplyDeleteBig things going on in the Spider-Man universe right now...but one can always dream just a little bigger. :)
As noted, David, it's wayyy too early to talk about -- and it may not even happen --but I can say that it's NOT a Spider-Man project.
ReplyDeleteIt's totally The Really New Warriors, starring Molly from the Runaways, Bullet Ninja from Livewires, The Captain from Nextwave, Dead Girl from X-Statix, and J. Jonah Jameson as they face off against the evil love child of M.O.D.O.K. and Dr. Bong (named M.O.D.O.B.O.N.G.)!
ReplyDeleteIt's okay, I won't tell anyone!
Your discretion is very much appreciated, Kyle.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I'd expect you to say...if indeed it WAS a Spider-Man project. Then again, that's precisely what you'd say if it WASN'T. So the real question is whether you said exactly what you meant or precisely what you didn't...
ReplyDeleteWell played, sir, well played.
In all seriousness, JMD+Marvel=Win in my book, whatever it is.
JMD,Master of Intrigue!!!
All those years working for the CIA have finally paid off, David.
ReplyDeleteIndeed! You're making me put all my years of watching GET SMART and INSPECTOR GADGET to work.
ReplyDeleteEmerald City? Where you in New York or Seattle?
ReplyDeleteSeriously though...miss a little miss a lot. I read your posts, and want to respond, but get sucked into something else and say I'll do it later, and then when I find myself on the internet AND remembering I return and you have 3 more posts I want to respond to and nothing gets done. It's one crazy cycle.
Well, I'd like to start off the non bad joke/complaining segment by saying I'm glad to hear your hospital visit did not end... shall we say poorly? Allergy's are a tricky thing. After a life time of no allergys I suddenly found myself allergic to shrimp and lobster in such a high degree that the smell of it cooking started to make the inside of my mouth feel itchy. It get's weirder though. eating something cooked on the same grill as my allegiance doesn't affect me. Also I may be allergic to shrimp and lobster, but crab and scallops have no negative affects on me. Anyway I know how odd and frightening they can be at times. And I'm just glad one of my favorite comic writers lives to tell another tale to us disgusting "story junkies." My God! our addiction sickens me. I don't know how you can deal with us human wastes.
Finally, I picked up Chaos War: Thor. I was a little worried for two reasons. First I hadn't read anything else involved in this chaos police action. I eyeballed the first issue after learning of it's intriguing plot and that this very Norse clad issue was coming, but couldn't buy it. It was all Hercules fault... he just turns me off of books. my second concern was the star of your little story. Now I don't hate Thor, but I don't exactly love him either. It all depends on the writer. Not even the unmatchable Lee and Kirby made it work until about half way through the run. I picked up the new soft cover Marvel masterworks of Thor and some of those stories were brutal. Not F.F. "they're pioneering new waters cut them some slack, at least the characters are intriguing even if the story is off." No I mean mid sixties Batman brutal. What was I saying before the ramble? oh yeah, sorry. I was saying it all depended on the creative team. Those later Lee Kirby stories were amazing. Simonson was beyond belief,Defalco had a certain charm, and Straczynski really made it his own, but other than that he isn't exactly on my must buy list. He just isn't my guy, I can take or leave him. But I thought that if anyone could do a Thor story I'd like it would be Dematteis. I place you in very high regard, below Lee,Kirby,Everett, and Eisner, but above Gerber, Englehart,and Starlin. Obviously I expect a lot from my Dematteis. You did not disappoint. I think you said it best in this very issue, "something familiar, familiar and strange" well, maybe add "ly great" to it. It seemed familiar. Not just because it had your familiar themes, or because of the oft used wilderness-solitude symbolism, no it was something else. It was Becca. her isolation and feeling of being lost, not her loss necessarily , but lost in the world, it was familiar. I've felt it, I like to think a lot if not most people have. I understood her from panel 1, well... the end of page two at least. however it also felt new and wonderful. You not only found a way to do Thor in a new way, a way I've been hoping for for years, but also a new way of stressing themes you so love. man, or in this case woman's relationship with the divine and/or fantastically unbelievable. It was the best buy of the week for me. I felt like I discovered a Martian colony in my left shoe. Truly a far out tale, I say right on!
hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I liked my mid-afternoon nap yesterday, or writing it what ever phrase works for you.
Wishing you nothing but goodwill and hipness from here to the stars,
JM, I'm sorry I missed this event! It would have been a treat to meet you ... perhaps on some other occasion?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you're aware of this or not, but Popmatters is currently running an eight-day series of articles about the life & work of John Lennon:
Looks as though the Beatles will be coming to itunes:
Hey, Jack: great to hear from you, it's been a long time.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the good wishes re: my health. I'm feeling fine now, although there are definitely some psychological after-effects from my encounter with the Mold Monsters. (Of course the whole event gave me a great idea for a new character, so it all morphs into Story in the end!)
Very glad you enjoyed the first issue of CHAOS WAR: THOR. I agree with you that the thunder god's not always compelling, but certain people have really been able to do amazing things with him. As previously noted, I'm especially fond of the Lee-Kirby stories from around 1966—1968, which, I suspect, is the time period you're talking about. The scope, the imagination, the sheer jaw-dropping wonder of it all made THOR the best book out there in those days (well, maybe it was a close tie with FANTASTIC FOUR -- which had the edge in terms of relatable, and immensely likable, characters).
At any rate, I hope you enjoy the second issue of CHAOS WAR just as much as the first. Not quite sure when my next Thor story -- which is a big cosmic epic, featuring the Silver Surfer, Galactus, Oblivion, Scrier and the Other -- will be out, or what format it will be in, but I had a great time with that one, too.
Thanks for checking in, Jack -- and please don't wait too long to post again!
I sincerely hope we do get a chance to meet face-to-face someday, Tim, since we've been cyber-chatting this way for a few years now and always seem to make some interesting connections.
ReplyDeleteI just came across the Popmatters Lennon material yesterday and will, of course, be reading every last word of it. I enjoyed the dissection of PLASTIC ONO BAND -- which just may be the single greatest album in the history of rock and roll -- even if I didn't agree with everything the writer said.
Speaking of Lennon: I recently finished reading STARTING OVER: THE MAKING OF DOUBLE FANTASY, a new book about...well, the making of Double Fantasy. It's fantastic -- and paints as clear and powerful a picture of Lennon in the months before he died as I've ever come across. Great, great stuff, all of it first person accounts from the folks that were there in the studio with John and Yoko.
All of which makes me want to get in gear and finally write up part two of my "Meeting Lennon" story. I was hoping to have it in time for John's 70th birthday and, clearly, that didn't happen. Maybe before December 8th?
All the best -- JMD
And it's about time, David -- although it doesn't really mean all that much to me personally, since I've got all the 2009 remastered albums loaded up to iTunes already. I haven't read the news stories about this yet, so perhaps they'll slip in some rarities that aren't available on CD? That would be immensely cool.
ReplyDeleteWhile we eagerly await Part 2 of your "Meeting Lennon" story, let me share this blog entry I stumbled upon just now, a truly lovely remembrance of a (then) teenaged girl's first concert experience, with one very special surprise guest star:
A very sweet -- and very touching -- piece, Tim. Thanks for the link. My friend Jon Cobert -- the piano player I wrote about in the first part of "Meeting Lennon" -- was at the record plant when Lennon and Elton John were rehearsing for that concert. History unfolding before his eyes.
ReplyDeleteI'm determined to get part two of the Lennon story up in the next week (but I've said that before), Please keep bugging me about it: embarrassment is a great motivator!