Wednesday, May 13, 2020


One of the oldest, and best, comic book podcasts out there is John Siuntres's Word Balloon.  I spoke to John recently about animation, comics, old time radio and other things.  The audio version is below... 

Listen to "The Animated Life Of J.M. DeMatteis Superman Red Son Deathstroke Death Adam Strange and More" on Spreaker.

...and here's the video version.  Enjoy!


  1. Great interview. I agree with you regarding The Twilight Zone. What a great show! When I was a kid, it was one of my favorite live-action TV shows, along with Doctor Who and Star Trek.

    I recently read The Girl in the Bay and thought it was really good. Kathy, the Brooklyn-born Siddhartha, was a great character and I really felt for her plight. The artwork was beautiful too.

    Impossible, Incorporated sounds really interesting, so I'll be reading it soon.


    1. Thank you, William! So glad you enjoyed THE GIRL IN THE BAY and I hope you enjoy IMPOSSIBLE, INC. as much. Both projects were a delight to work on.

      And I like your taste in TV shows!
