Saturday, January 14, 2023


It's a new year and there's a new issue of Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt coming your way on Wednesday. Here's the hype, straight from Marvel:

"Powerless! Peter must defend himself and MJ from the shadow that has fallen over them and their home. What powerful ally does Peter meet, and how are they related to the man hunting Spider-Man? And how does it all tie into the legacy of Kraven the Hunter? Find out as the hunt continues!" 

And here are some preview pages from the story. Enjoy!


  1. Just remember... Dematteis... if they did not print my letter in this issue, don't do anything rash.

    Yes, obviously the editor will have made a huge mistake, Deserving at least a good hour in his boss's office, ending with him getting docked quite a bit on his pay.

    However, that is NOT your call. It is not your p-lace to take on some kind of vigilante roll. Do not. I have never been to prison, but my guess it is not good for hippies.


    1. I will do my best to control myself.

    2. Well, good news for your editor, they published my letter.

      You can stop plotting what ever psychological revenge you were planning.


    3. I suppose I am now the one that has to be worried, that the letter will trigger your vigilante instinct to be set on me.

      Well, I suppose it is good to visit new places. Psychologically torture new minds. Variety IS the spice of life after all.


    4. I can assure you: You have nothing to worry about.

    5. So you claim, we will see if you are still saying that when you read the letter. One word not as strong as you think it should be, or one scene you loved not mentioned, and you are on a six month campaign to convince me my home is hunted until I wind up in a straitjacket.

      Hey Dematteis, remember that time this happened...


    6. That was wonderful. Such powerful words, truer than ever...and read by Dick Van Dyke! Amazing!

  2. FINE, DEMATTEIS! You wore me down. I can;t keep fighting it.

    This is a song that makes me think of the last days of 70s comics for some reason:

    Yes, Dave Carter WAS referencing Mount Meru from Buddhist and Hindu traditions.

    Hopefully that has answered the never ending question.


    1. Well here is one that may make you wonder about Comic book deaths...

    2. Let's try this one and say... I don;t know... Ragman? Daredevil Born Again? Cloak and Dagger maybe?


  3. Great as always. I wish you could write spider-man comics set in the present too

  4. Hope you had a happy holiday sir, and happy hunting as always!

    1. Holidays were great, thanks! Hope yours were, as well!

    2. Holidays were terrific where I was too. I got "Humanity Agenda" as a gift. Spent that morning reading it page by page. Had a very 'Benny' Christmas!

  5. You don;t fool me... Dematteis, I know doing this series as part of the long game to get Marvel and DC to agree to your dream (Mainstream) project... a five part mini series, where Peter Parker and MJ have Clark Kent and Lois over for dinner. Like my dinner with Andre, but with couples, instead of just two, and allowing more freedom of storytelling.

    THAT I S RIGHT! I figured you out. Well... sign me up. I would read that book.


    1. It's actually being planned as a 2000 page one-shot, drawn by Kevin Maguire. All close-ups.

    2. Wouldn't 2000 pages technically be a graphic novel,not just a one-shot?

      It is a good thing I got here when I did. I know it is your dream project, and it is sometimes hard to take notes on your dream, but you need them here.

      All close ups? The table, the food, and the progression help tell the story.

      Is it home made or take out? While waiting for it to arrive or finish cooking does MJ put out a snack? Offer drinks? This is the chance to break up the couples and do one on one conversations. Pete and CLark, Lois and MJ, MJ and CLark. Peter and Lois

      If MJ cooks it will be a single course meal. So what does that mean of the sides? What will they be? WHy? Why the main course?

      If takeout, what was the reason for choosing it?

      There obviously has to be a scene where MJ realizes she forgot dessert, or maybe it was delayed. Pete and Clark go out as Superman and Spider-man, have a side discussion about that. Lois and MJ chat, reveal they both embarrassed how they acted in Superman vs, the Amazing Spider-Man (1976) maybe have MJ reveal she has some issues of jealousy, since she cannot be as much a part of Peter's world as Lois can with Clark, since they work together,

      Maguire is a good choice, but your mistake is thinking this is a one artist job. You should have different artists as the conversation progresses, with the art of one flowing into the next. This gives the stream of consciousness feeling.

      One artist can draw ,and the other ink, have them share chores the next panel, and then switch who draws and who inks and there you have it, Bob's your uncle the next artist is off to the races,

      Come on DeMatteis, it is al so obvious.


    3. I'm drawing a line in the sand. All close-ups, all dialogue. Not an iota of action. : )

    4. Does that include no emotional action?

      I'm telling you, you need the food. it helps tells the story, and I think we can all agree foo is like 30% of why people read Spider-Man comics.

      What does a close up mean? Does it mean no couple shots?

      Come on Dematteis, you are Italian AND Jewish. You know one can't have 2000 pages of conversation without hand movements? IN my experience it is not a good conversation if there is not a decent amount of body language.


    5. We'll save the food for the sequel: 2000 pages of shots of food with the dialogue coming from off-panel. And then the third one will be all hand gestures. A trilogy!

    6. Will these at least be the one where they finally reveal MJ is Jewish?

      I know her last name is Watson, which is Scottish, but we never learned her mother's maiden name

      I am all in for that.


    7. Well, it is time Marvel stops having it be an ipen secret and just make it reality.


  6. Hey Mr. DeMatteis. I recently got my hands on all of yours and Buscema’s Spectacular Spider-Man run, and today I’ve finished reading it with #200. Powerful and poignant stuff. I did a review on it, as well as the whole run. You can check them out here in the link below. I’d really appreciate it if you took the time out of your (probably busy) day to check out my thoughts on it :)

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your review and those kind, heartfelt words. VERY much appreciated.

      And you're right: It's long past time for a collection. I have no idea why they've never done it. I'm truly baffled!

    2. My recommendation? A whole Omnibus collecting ALL of your Spectacular Spider-Man work! This is how I would map it:

      Web of Spider-Man #31-32; Amazing Spider-Man #293-294; Spectacular Spider-Man #-1, #131-132, #178-200, #241-254, material from Annual #13-14; Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter #1

      So basically all of Kraven’s Last Hunt, Soul of the Hunter, your Spectacular run with Buscema and your Spectacular run with Luke Ross! 47 issues for $125 cover price? I don’t see why Marvel wouldn’t make an Omnibus like this!

    3. I'd love to see something like that. Thanks!

      In Italy they're reprinting ALL of my Spidey work in a continuing series. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that, either.

    4. You’re welcome! Nice to see Italy doing the good work!

      Well, until an inevitable collected edition comes out, I’ll indulge myself in rereads of that truly spectacular run I read, as well as find more back issues of your other Spider-Man work! I’m a huge fan of your Ben Reilly mini from last year, so my eyes are now set on The Lost Years and Redemption!

    5. Thanks again! And I hope you enjoy LOST YEARS and REDEMPTION!

    6. You’re welcome!!
