Sunday, May 5, 2024


This Wednesday sees the release of Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin #2—continuing our exploration of Peter Parker's earliest days as a costumed hero. Here's the Marvel hype:

While NORMAN OSBORN deals with the fallout of an attempt on his son Harry’s life, PETER PARKER struggles to keep himself together. What better way to work out your problems than putting on the mask to take down FLINT MARKO: THE SANDMAN!

Written by: J. M. DeMatteis
Art by: Michael Sta. Maria, Chris Sotomayor
Cover by: Paulo Siqueira, Rachelle Rosenberg
Release Date: May 8, 2024

You can see some preview art below. Hope you enjoy our second chapter!


  1. A read the new issue a few days ago and greatly enjoyed. it. Top=notch character work building on the thrills

    That having been said. You were obviously using certain elements of the story to pass along a new sandwich recipe to Tom Defalco.

    Now it was not TOO distracting, obviously. The comic was greatly enjoyed. I just can't help but wonder, wouldn't using the phone be more efficient. Or email. It would be a few months in between to get the book out. DO you even know for sure he bough the book?

    That is on top of the obvious question about making other people pay for you to send a message.

    I know you thought you were being sneaky, but it ws all very obvious, even if not-distracting from teh story.

    Also, the sandwich you described should have dived onions, so there is that mix-up as well.


    1. Until you've tasted the sandwich, Jack, you really can't criticize!
      (Okay, we've reached new heights...or perhaps depths...of silliness here.)
