Tuesday, July 2, 2024


We had some extraordinary visual storytellers on Phase 1 of the Spellbound Comics DeMultiverse: Shawn McManus on Layla in the Lands of After…David Baldeon on Anyman…Tom Mandrake on Wisdom…Vassilis Gogtzilas on The Edward Gloom Mysteries...and Matthew Dow Smith on Godsend. Shawn, David, Tom, and Vassilis are all returning for Phase 2 but, sorry to say, my pal Matt wasn’t able to come back for Godsend #2…

…BUT we’ve found a fantastic replacement in the great SCOTT KOBLISH! Scott—best known for his six year run on an obscure character named Deadpool (ever heard of him?)—brings storytelling dynamism, human emotion and cosmic power to our second chapter and we’re delighted to have him as part of the DeMultiverse! Welcome aboard, Scott!

(As for the estimable Mr. Dow Smith: We’ve got an upcoming announcement about him, too. He’s still part of the DeMultiverse: We couldn’t let him go!)


  1. The art certainly looks very good… but a different tone than the last book evoked. I wonder if the writing of this book will reflect artistic the tone shift.


    1. GODSEND is full script (as opposed to plot-first), so the writing is done before the art even begins.

    2. My point was not based in the Marvel Method, but rather if the new art is reflective of a different tone issue 2 has over issue 1

      Issue 1 was moody and atmospheric, and matched the tone of the writing well. This work seems brighter, and more optimistic.

      I am wondering if that art shift is reflective of a story tone shift.


    3. Ah...got it. The second issue does crack open in a more epic, Kirbyesque way, so yes, there is a shift. But the change in art was coincidental. If Matt had been able to do the second issue, I suspect he would have shifted his approach a little to suit the new story parameters.

  2. I didn't know the Supremes had done a "Liverpool" album.

    One of the great things about the music scene of my childhood was that you could turn on Top 40 radio and hear all kinds of music—from British Invasion to Motown to Surf Music to Sinatra. Everyone's pretty much isolated in their own private bunkers these days, but back then you were exposed to everything in pop/rock music.

  3. It is not that different from what happened in comics. DC Comics created the Vertigo imprint out of the most popular horror and fantasy books of the time, but without meaning to, ensured non-superhero books would be nearly impossible to cross the barrier.

    Jim Shooter deciding to rebuild Marvel's success by focusing on the big name titles, and bringing in licensed books while creating Epic to give creators an outlet, and establishing Conan as more adult oriented had similar results at Marvel.

    Or at least, that is how it seems form where I sit, I certainly was not in the room. And again, I don't think any of it was the plan.

    BUT... in the late 70s, as Punk and Metal became subcultures, Disco became a lifestyle, and hippies dissolved into being heads, all in the ages that were most likely to buy music.

    This of course made it easier to market and divide things for the companies. KISS, Madonna, and Disco helped goes that formula. After all, Disco was just Samba re-branded.

    Truth be told, it is only getting worse. Spotfy manipulates raises, and suppress music with it's algorithms. And it's "vibes" element is designed to have music only be in the background you doing listen to, even causing Coca Cola to start a recording studio, because it is not about selling a album or song anymore, it is about seeing to the algorithm.

    But in fairness, Netflix has done similar, always pushing people towards things they have already watch, so they do not have to invest in unique or riskyprogramming, fueling nostalgia. And it is not as bad as Youtube or Facebook which fuels political extremism.

    Of course, UNLIKE the comic stuff I mentioned, all the algorithm stiff is proven, if not admitted, and WAS intentional

    But more importantly, did you know the Supremes recorded a cover of THIS song ...



  4. Replies
    1. Well, if it makes you feel any better, Detroit has been stalking you for your whole career. And not just because your hero-idol-messiah is form there.

      You think I am kidding, but I am not. It is actually kind of weird.

      For starters, you said it was Jim Starlin's Captain Marvel and Warlock you showed to people as an adult, but before becoming a pro, which you showed to people to prove it was just the "Bam! POW! stuff" they expected. Jim Starlin, of course, grew up in the Detroit suburb of Berkley.

      as for your actual work, what was your first ongoing series with major characters? I believe it was The Defenders.

      I have stated before that despite being a big fan of your Spider-man work which I had already read at that point, it was your DEFENDERS run, or rather the Six_Fingered-hand story that made me interested in this Dematteis guy.

      But, What I do not think I ever mentioned is what first drew me to the run's attention. I bout issues 90-100 all at once, but I was seeking out only one issue, Defenders #96. I was seeking it out because I had read that it had Ghost Rider guest tarring as a roadie, for a rock and roll band (what American teenager is not intrigued by that) in Detroit.

      In fact, the very next issue tarted a long-term story of fleshing out the then barely used Devil-Slayer. And I must say, that characterization had me hooked and made me a fan of the character to this day... so that makes two of us in total. You and I.

      The character of course co-created by Detroit NAtive Rich Buckler. D-S actually first appeared in a Deathlok story, also created by Buckler. However, Deathlok was also FROM Detroit himself.

      From Detroit, arguing with his computer computer brain. Has Marvel ever thought of suing Robocop?

      Anyway, more to the point, you ended up getting another ongoing Marvel gig...CAPTAIN AMERICA. In which you closed out the original Deathlok's story. For a time.

      When I first started looking into the work of this Dematteis guy, I found out there was a trade...published in 1993...with that very Captain America story. Making it, likely the second collection of one of your stories ever. Maybe Third. \EPic DID put out a collection of Moonshadow.

      But what was your longest run? If I had to hazard a guess, I would say the JLI. A yes classic sitcom shenanigans made with your good friend Keith Giffen, True Magic.

      But, what does that have to do with anything? Giffen was from New York?

      Well, according to DC Comics, the reason you were put on the book in the first place is because you were the one who closed out the previous volume. If that is incorrect, take it up with DC.

      Point is...what era of the Justice League was that? Oh yes of course, despite having more issues where they operate out of New York, it was the derisively named "Justice League Detroit."

      But, You have not just worked in comics, have you? You have dabbled in TV. While your work in the medium predates it, I think what most people would call your most acclaimed point, and seemingly what increases the work in said medium, was on JLU

      There are a lot of things that make the JLU a great show. The characterization. The intrigue, but mostly it was Dwayne McDuffie taking a larger share in the story crafting and writing.

      In fact, I checked, you even had McDuffie as a writing partner of sorts on a few episodes. Where was McDuffie from again? OH yes... Detroit.

      I actually went and checked a few things. AL Milgrom, who grew up in the northern Detroit suburbs was even editor on that first Defenders run. At least the beginning.



    2. He was also the inker on your first issue of Amazing Spider-Man, the one you did with Denny O'Neil, where the fire extinguisher turned into a monkey.. to a I guess vice versa.

      Tom Orzechowski , also form Detroit, did a lot of the lettering.

      I found all this out, with a rather short search on the Marvel wikia, and I will grant you, Al Milgrom and
      Orzechowski were pretty common mainstays in those days. The reliable guys.

      However, the wikia pointed to something else. Your first BIG work for Marvel. The adaption of a big budget Hollywood film...XANADU. Flop or not, it was still a liscense, and MArvel probably had a vested interest in it coming out well, and they gave you a shot.

      Well, you AND Michael Netzer. Netzer is not only form Detroit, he was in the same graduating class as my godmother. True statement.

      Netzer is certainly a talented artist, BUT... was hardly a Marvel mainstay. at least as far as I can tell. More DC.



    3. Now, to someone like me, that is an interesting level of coincidence.

      HOWEVER, to a hippie brimming with the type of confidence only a Baby Boomer can have, who has said that he believes the universe always puts you where you are meant to be, that the cosmos is connected, and a whole host of other type things...that is probably looking pretty weird. A pattern all laid out to a person who believes such things...or at least says the,...must be intriguing.

      What does it mean?

      Hell if i know. You are the one with these cosmic consciousness inclinations.

      If I had to guess, maybe that your magnum opus will have something to do with the city. Maybe you get the idea while in Detroit. Maybe it will take place in Detroit. Maybe where the movie of a indie book will be shot. Maybe a Motown song or MC5 will inspire you. Maybe you will walk into Moonstone, which is not doing to well, and they will give you previously unthinkable freedom on The Lone Ranger and/or The Green Hornet, both of which they have the license for and and were created in Detroit. You have mentioned a desire to write both a western (though I think that is the Demultiverse book) and one set i the 1930s.

      Maybe it means you and Jim Starlin will collaborate on some amazing project. Or that you and he will start some kind of way to promote comic creators and push newer ones to the forefront.

      IN DON'T KNOW DEMATTEIS! These are all just guesses. I don't know your life.

      I will say, the fact that your magnum opus is still forthcoming should be fairly comforting.

      It is weird Dematteis, a weird connection to a city, I am pretty sure you had never been to until you were an adult..if even then. Again, I don't know your life.

      At least now your Hippie brain knows what "wavy gravy" and "far out" signs to look for that the "out of sight cosmic consciousness" is pointing you towards when ideas or opportunities come your way.


    4. I will ponder the cosmic synchronicties, Jack. And I look forward to the magnum opus you have foretold, whether it's situated in Detroit or not. (Although that you've planted a seed...!)
