Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I've been working with Mike Cavallaro—the brilliant artist, and all-around great guy, who illustrated The Life and Times of Savior 28—on a new series called Impossible Incorporated.  (Yes, it was inspired by that quote over there on the left.)  The project is still in the early stages of development, so I'm reluctant to give away any details.  That said, Mike just finished an amazing piece of promo art that I just had to share with all of you.  Feast your eyes:

More on Impossible Inc. as the project develops. 


  1. Very cool artwork. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  2. Glad you like it, Daniel. As noted, the project is in a very early stage—we haven't hooked up with a publisher yet—but it's one of those ideas with limitless potential.

  3. Wow. Color me incrediblumated! Great piece of art, suggesing so much more.

    Speaking of suggestions of more... Happy New Month! This particular one containing the release of your novel 'Imaginalis'.

    I'm seriously excited about getting a hold of that one real quick like and down(up?)loading it into my mind. You ever do any signings via mail?

    Keep on accepting the invitations, JM. I've heard one I enjoy: "Nobody told me it was impossible, so I just did it."

  4. That's a great line, Tim. I fully intend to keep accepting those invitations. Hope you will, too.

    Thanks so much for your IMAGINALIS enthusiasm. Very much appreciated. Once the book is done and out of my hands, there's nothing I can do except sit and wait and wonder. It's both an exciting and unnerving experience. I look forward to actually holding the book in my hands.

    I'm happy to sign anything you send along. Best to do it via the publisher. (Same for comics stuff: send the books to me via Marvel, DC, etc.) One of these days I should open up a PO Box or some such thing so folks can send me things directly.

  5. BTW, I'm looking forward to hearing more about this!

  6. As noted, Nicholas, IMPOSSIBLE INC. is still in its early stages, but I think it would be fun to share some aspects of the creative process as it moves along.

  7. JM, looking forward to hearing about your creative process for the series. It looks like its going to be a fun series.

    Btw, I know its off-topic, but I just had to say that I read the first issue of the Giffen/DeMatteis Booster Gold today and thought it was excellent. It made me laugh out loud serveal times and yet it was also a very sad story too. Well done. Looks like Booster Gold is going to be great. Impossible Inc looks like it'll be really fun too.

  8. Thanks, Daniel. The trick with this new incarnation of Booster is finding the balance between our old wacky take on the character and the new, more serious take of recent years. (Although, if you look at the old stories, Booster actually had a serious side then, too. Sometimes.)

    Keith and I always enjoyed pulling the rug out from under the readers -- giving them page after page of witty (or idiotic, depending on your point of view) banter and then suddenly plunging the characters into something ultra-serious. Many of my favorite comedy shows -- M*A*S*H, ALL IN THE FAMILY, SCRUBS -- were able to turn on a dime from comedy to tragedy, and that's what we're aiming for with our current BOOSTER run.

  9. VERY glad to see you and Mike working together again, JMD.


  10. Me, too, David! Here's hoping this project gets off the ground. It's one of those concepts we could play with for years to come.

  11. No doubt.

    Mike did a great job with the more fantastical fringe elements in SAVIOR 28, and left me hungry for more work along those lines.


  12. IMPOSSIBLE, INC. will definitely be bigger, more filled with fantasy, than S-28, David. The story provides us with a big, cosmic playing field...so finger crossed!

  13. S-28 was great, I am looking forward to hearing more about this.

    I just read the first volume of Justice League International. I liked it. I specially like the annoying Green Lantern guy (I'm sorry that I already forgot his name). I didn't love it, so I am still deciding on whether to keep reading or not. I did smile often while reading it, which is always a good thing.

  14. Glad you enjoyed S-28, Quigue. As I think you know, I'm incredibly proud of it.

    If you're so inclined, move on to the later volumes of JLI. During those early issues we were just finding our feet. I think the book got better -- and our voices got stronger and more unique -- as we went along.

    And, funnily enough, the name of the "annoying Green Lantern guy" is...Guy. Guy Gardner. So you knew his name even though you didn't know you knew it.

  15. Serendipity! Wow, JM, I just started translating Savior 28 for Italy today, I went looking on facebook for you and your name brought a Savior 28 group so I immediately joined and found Mike Cavallaro link to this page...where is a drooling emoticon wwhen you need it?!

  16. Can't wait to see S-28 in Italian, Paolo! And thanks for tracking down this blog. Hope all's very well with you and yours -- JMD
