Saturday, June 8, 2024


The third issue of Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin is out Wednesday.  (How'd that happen so fast?) Here's the hype, direct from Marvel:

WHO STALKS THE OSBORNS?! The biggest mistake of NORMAN OSBORN’s life is back to haunt him… and it ain’t who you think! Is PETER PARKER ready for a rematch with Proto-Goblin? Ready or not: IT’S ROUND TWO!

Written by: J. M. DeMatteis

Art by: Michael Sta. Maria, Chris Sotomayor

Cover by: Paulo Siqueira, Rachelle Rosenberg

Page Count: 28 Pages

Release Date: June 12, 2024

What's that you say? You want to read some preview pages? Well, here they are:


  1. Really enjoyed this issue, great job dematties, I really wish Peter would be explored like this in the main book I also can't wait for your story in Spider-Man Black Suit and Blood which if I understand it you are going back to Kravens Last Hunt.

    1. Going back to KLH tangentially, exploring a story element never touched on (the death of Joe Face).
