Wednesday, January 1, 2025


2025? Sounds like a date out of a science-fiction story, a point in time in the far distant future. How could that possibly be the year we've just entered? But it is. And it's a strange science-fiction world we're living in, like some particularly twisted Philip K Dick novel. Gazing out at that world there's good reason to abandon hope, embrace despair. But there's the version of the world that's shoved down our throats by the media, day after day—what I call the CNN Reality—and there's the deeper world, the truer world, that lies beneath.

And in that world, good and decent people live good and decent lives, seeking simple human kindness and giving the same in return. In that world, hope is very much alive and the future, which can seem so dark right now, black as pitch, is bright with the promise of better days. 

That's the world I choose to live in. The world I hope, in some small way, I can help  manifest. If, as I believe, the microcosm is the macrocosm, our smallest efforts—a comforting word, a compassionate gesture—can echo out across the planet in miraculous ways. Maybe, together, we'll surprise the pundits and transform 2025 into one of the most positive, beautiful, extraordinary years ever.

And, if not, we'll still have lived our lives in the light of hope, of decency, of love. Which will make it a very good year indeed.

Happy New Year. 


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