Thursday, January 30, 2025


The first issue of Moonshadow was released on January 29, 1985—40 years ago yesterday. 40 years? "Time," as Bob Dylan sang, "is a jet plane, it moves too fast." Can it really be four decades since the brilliant Jon J Muth (who has gone on to an award-winning career writing and illustrating children's books) and I embarked on one of the greatest creative journeys of our careers? There's no arguing with Father Time, but it's still mind-boggling to us both. 

What's even more mind-boggling—in the very best way—is the fact that, barring a gap here and there, Moon has remained in print ever since that aforementioned first issue. In fact, this May sees the release of Moonshadow The Definitive Edition—Expanded: an updated version of the Eisner-nominated hardcover DH released back in 2019. And, yes, "expanded" means there are even more behind-the-scenes extras included in this 528 page beauty.  

So happy that this story—which remains so close to my heart—will be back out in the world.

Pop! Poof! Ping!
(If you know, you know.)


  1. What a masterpiece! Thanks again since the first italian edition! Still hope this new expanded edition can have an italian version (among other languages).

  2. Thanks! I'd love Dark Horse to partner with an Italian publisher for this new edition. Italy is very close to my heart.
