Friday, January 31, 2025


Wishing a blessed Amartithi to my Meher Baba family around the world.

"Do not search for God outside of you. God can only be found within you, for His only abode is the heart."—Avatar Meher Baba


  1. The more you shed light on Meher Baba the more I wonder if he had contact with Quakers. Who had been in India since the 1600s, and were the Brit’s NOT in favor of oppression it would be possible. There are overlapping concepts.
    Of course, the Quaker beliefs also state that God exists in all people, and doing good is worship, and of course that God speaks to you in moments of silence.
    Quakers also believe there are many pathways to God, and no religion has a monopoly. It is part of why they got along well with Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Native Americans.

    But this also reminds me of a theory a friend of Mine has. She is from South America, and believes the reason Latin America remains more religious than other western countries is because their culture(s) are more centered around community and family. As such they feel the presence of God more in their day to day lives.
    It is probably worth mentioning, her father was almost a priest until he met her mother and was lured away from the church by… some nice attributes.


    1. No Meher Baba/Quaker connection that I've ever heard of. He was born Zoroastrian, but had followers who were Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist. And He embraced, and embodied, it all.

      "Nice attributes"? She must have had a stunning smile.

    2. If you want to bring science into it…

      Some scientists think there are animals that have a direct connection to quantum mechanics. Like birds that fly flawlessly at night with no seeming biological reasoning, or moths who know exactly where their mate is miles away.

      They also think this may explain one of the biggest mysteries in biology… conciseness. They specifically used the term “all connected.”

      As you are undoubtedly aware, being raised partially Jewish, in Judaism God is more of a conscious force in the universe. The idea of a human form only came around because of the mass conversion of Rome. Adopting the look of Zeus for The Judaeo-Christian God for easier understanding.

      Similar ideas are found in some of the world’s oldest religions like Buddhism, and Druids have similar ideas to the divine being in the universe or the natural world.

      By the way, there are no more druids… despite what they tell you at the hippie conventions… because it was all kept in oral tradition and the Romans sort of kept that from being passed on.


  2. I think we all have a direct connection to quantum mechanics.

    The idea of God descending in human form has been part of Hinduism since the beginning. And the work of that "God in human form" is to remind us that we are all equally Divine, part and parcel of that "conscious force": God in disguise, if you will.

    Hey, it's not even Sunday and we're doing sermons! ; )

    1. But, it IS Saturday, and you are half Jewish. You can probably still claim the Sabbath.

      But the real question is are quantum mechanics just the word people are using to fit their modern vocabulary. Trying to force it into a world where the more basic primal elements are considered too primitive? Sort of the inverse of ancient astronaut theory.

      In recent decades it has been said we are living in a simulation, saying life is a dream is a concept going back centuries, some have said split universes are to collect as many experiences as possible in humanity for a greater understanding. Even some Christian groups speak of being a part of the world but not of it.

      Aren’t these all really the same basic idea? Just each group using vocabulary unique to their cultural experience to say the same thing?

      Both the Noble Eight Fold Path and the Sermon on the Mount are explicit in how materialism clogs up one’s spiritual side. You just as easily say distracts you from the true importance of life, and have it mean the same thing in a secular context.


    2. There have been quite a few books written about the connection between quantum physics and the mystic paths. Different ways of saying the same thing.

      Peel away the outer layers of time and culture, and you'll find the same eternal truth underneath.

      Shabbat Shalom!

    3. Well, since you brought up mysticism...


    4. That was excellent. Thaks for sharing it.
